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    用途 巡游, Daysailer
    船舱数量 2舱
    材料 铝制
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    全部长度 14.1 m (46'03")


增大尺寸是一种趋势,但这位机主却从 Bestevaer 60C 换到了 Bestevaer 53T,现在又换成了 45ST。这就意味着要缩小尺寸!

不过,"Africa "号的船主知道自己在做什么:"孩子们不再和我们一起出海,我和妻子也不想再进行长途旅行。Bestevaer 45ST 是我们的完美日间帆船"。狗屋可以遮风挡雨。下甲板的左舷是客舱,右舷是带独立淋浴间的湿牢房。前面是一张长凳,后面是海图桌。左舷客舱前方是厨房,前面是宽敞的起居室和餐桌。

船主舱位于船首。内部装修是传统风格,但由于使用了白色墙壁和天花板,因此显得明亮宽敞。Bestevaer 45 系列的设计灵感来源于 Dykstra Naval Architects 为 KM Yachtbuilders 设计的 Bestevaer Pilot Cutters。

这是一位回头客的要求。在他之前的 Bestevaer 53ST 之后,他想要一艘玻璃纤维船,但在从加勒比海到亚速尔群岛的三周逆风航行后,他对铝制 Bestevaer 的航行体验留下了深刻印象,因此取消了玻璃纤维船的订单。


Upsizing tends to be the trend, but this owner went from a Bestevaer 60C to a Bestevaer 53T, and now to a 45ST. So that meant downsizing!

However, the owner of the "Africa" knows what he's doing: "The kids no longer sail with us, and my wife and I don't want to do any long trips anymore. The Bestevaer 45ST is the perfect daysailer for us." The doghouse offers shelter against wind and water. On the lower deck the guest cabin can be found on the port side and the wet cell with separate shower are on the starboard side. In front of that is a bench with the chart table behind it. In front of the guest cabin on the port side the galley has been fitted, with a spacious sitting area with dining table in front of it.

The owner's cabin is situated at the stem. The interior is of a traditional style, but because of the use of white walls and ceilings it looks light and spacious. The low ceiling (1.85 m) was built at the owners' request, as neither of them are very tall.The Bestevaer 45 series has been inspired by the Bestevaer Pilot Cutters, designed for KM Yachtbuilders by Dykstra Naval Architects.

It was requested by a repeat customer. After his previous Bestevaer 53ST he wanted a fibreglass boat, but after three weeks of nose wind from the Caribbean to the Azores, he was so impressed by the experience of sailing in an aluminium Bestevaer that he cancelled the order for the fibreglass boat.
