江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游, 混合型
    船舱数量 2舱
    甲板布局 尾部开放式, 舵手室
    全部长度 17.5 m (57'04")


在过去的 15 年里,太平洋亚洲企业公司(PAE)一直致力于开发 Nordhavn 系列海上通行拖网渔船。 诸如 Nordhavn 40 环球航行和 Nordhavn 大西洋拉力赛之类的努力,以及创新的设计理念,使 PAE 成为这个不断增长的行业之一。 然而,成功的蓝水动力游艇专营权的根源实际上在于一个令人印象深刻的帆船遗产之下,建造了超过 250 艘巡航帆船。 太平洋工业公司的梅森生产线于 1979 年首次推出,车型从 34 英尺到 64 英尺不等。

太平洋航空公司的创新设计重新激发了对帆船的兴趣:这款摩托车驾驶员将具有真正的 Nordhavn 能力,并且在海上条件下具有适度的航行性能。


For the past 15 years, Pacific Asian Enterprises, Inc. (PAE) has devoted its efforts toward the development of the Nordhavn line of offshore passagemaking trawlers. Endeavors such as the Around-The-World voyage in a Nordhavn 40 and the Nordhavn Atlantic Rally, combined with innovative design ideas have set PAE atop this growing industry. However the roots of the successful bluewater poweryacht franchise actually lie under an impressive sailing legacy that saw the construction of over 250 cruising sailboats. PAE’s Mason line was first introduced in 1979 and models ranged from 34 to 64 feet.

PAE’s interest in sail has been rekindled with their innovative design: a motorsailer that will have true Nordhavn capabilities with transoceanic range under power alone and modest sailing performance in offshore conditions.
