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尾部开放式3舱双舵巡游比赛帆船游艇(含"Performance"和 "Race"两个版本)
    用途 快速巡游, 帆船比赛
    船舱数量 3舱
    甲板布局 尾部开放式
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    其他特性 双舵轮
    全部长度 17.05 m (55'11")
    宽度 5.15 m (16'10")
    吃水深度 2.9 m (9'06")
    位置 21,000 kg (46,297.08 lb)
    发动机功率 75 ch (75 hp)
    燃料容量 400 l (106 gal)
    淡水容量 600 l (159 gal)


这艘新游艇的设计灵感源自德国设计师 Frers 于 1987 年设计的 Grand Soleil 52 型游艇,标志着这一传奇型号的回归。当时,这艘被誉为 "旷世杰作 "的游艇共生产了约 60 艘。新款 Grand Soleil 52 Performance 从 Cantiere del Pardo 概念出发,由经验丰富的 Matteo Polli 和 Nauta Design 双人组合设计,继承了其祖先的优雅风格(从海军蓝色的优美线条开始)以及同样和谐的外形,这在当时和现在一样,都体现在稳定性和性能上。

Grand Soleil 52 Performance 是 Grand Soleil Performance 系列中成功的一员,分为 "Performance "和 "Race "两个版本,以满足更多运动型客户的需求,以及喜欢快速巡航而非帆船赛的客户的需求。

两个版本的甲板设计、风帆设计以及船体设计均有所不同:"性能 "版本的甲板设计 "易于航行",在船尾配备 4 个绞盘、带固定点的主缆绳、标准的自动收帆三角帆和标准的碳纤维船首斜桅;驾驶舱不参与任何操作,以便客人安全使用。

而 "竞速 "版则配备了 6 个绞盘、三角帆纵向导轨、嵌入式主帆行走装置、更大的帆面以及比标准版长 90 厘米的碳纤维船首斜桅。两个版本都配备了德式主帆。桅杆位于主舱壁后方,以优化动力中心。


Inspired by the lines of the Grand Soleil 52 originally designed by German Frers in 1987, this new addition marks the return of a legendary model. At the time, approximately sixty units were produced of a yacht described as “a masterpiece destined to last”. Prophetic words indeed: the new Grand Soleil 52 Performance, starting from the Cantiere del Pardo concept, was designed by the proven duo Matteo Polli and Nauta Design and takes up the elegance of its progenitor (starting with the Navy blue lines of the beautiful line) and the same harmony of shapes which, then as now, translates into stability and performance.

Intended for competent, passionate and very demanding owners who do not want to compromise on comfort and performance, the Grand Soleil 52 Performance is part of the successful Grand Soleil Performance line and is available in two versions, “Performance” and “Race”, to satisfy the needs of the more sporty customers and the needs of people who prefer fast cruising to regatta courses.

The deck plan and sail plan, as well as the hull, are designed differently in the two versions: the “Performance” version features an “easy sailing” deck plan with 4 winches at the stern, mainsheet with fixed point, a standard self-tacking jib and standard carbon bowsprit; the cockpit is not involved in any manoeuvres so that it can be safely used by guests.

The “Race” version, however, features 6 winches, longitudinal rails for the jib, recessed mainsail traveller, larger sail plan and a carbon bowsprit that is 90 cm longer than the standard version. Both versions have a German-style mainsheet. The mast is positioned aft of the main bulkhead, to optimise the centre of effort.
