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    用途 竞赛, 游览
    附件 水翼
    全部长度 9.15 m (30'00")


新的Q30是密切相关对和更加进一步的发展 前系列DSS小船Q28。

Q30结合空前 与更加容易处理的表现在水,以及在期间 小船准备和运输。

Q30是一湖竟赛者和daysailer要求的驾游艇者的和-妇女 谁总是想要sailable,高性能小船和欢欣在真实 创新。

船身:幸亏DSS技术,Q30 -与常规体育小船相对-依靠较不形式稳定。因此它有一个非常狭窄的船身,相似与一条现代70英尺赛跑的游艇。好处是显然的:有一点抵抗的Q30风帆,低wavemaking和甚而停顿造成一点损害。这做它 非凡快速,当航行迎风开,特别在轻和中等风-一位真实的湖竟赛者期间时。

箔:保证稳定的箔是DSS小船的关键的组分。同样为Q30适用。与Q28相对,它在港口炫耀可以独立地被管理,很大地简化处理一会儿航行的两箔,和在运输期间。箔推力类似于Q28 (参见相反)。在微风期间,他们没有必要和完全地消失入箔盒,他们不导致抵抗或处理努力。在大风,您能或者留下两箔部署或他们可以是延长并且/或者缩回在每回旋之前,不用装载。


The new Q30 is closely related to and a further development of the pre-series DSS boat Q28.

The Q30 combines unparalleled performance with easier handling on the water, as well as during boat preparation and transportation.

The Q30 is a lake racer and daysailer for demanding yachtsmen and -women who always wanted a sailable, high-performance boat and delight in true innovation.

Hull: Thanks to DSS technology, the Q30 - as opposed to conventional sports boats -is much less dependent on form stability. It therefore has a very narrow hull, similar to a modern 70-foot racing yacht. The benefits are obvious: The Q30 sails with little resistance, low wavemaking, and even heeling does little damage. This makes it extraordinarily fast when sailing close-hauled, particularly during light and medium winds - a true lake racer.

Foils: Foils that guarantee stability are the crucial component of a DSS boat. The same holds true for the Q30. As opposed to the Q28, it sports two foils that can be operated independently, which greatly simplifies handling while sailing, in the harbor and during transport. The foil lift is similar to the Q28 (see reverse). They are not needed during light winds, and completely disappear into the foil cases, where they cause no resistance or handling effort. At higher winds, you can either leave both foils deployed or they can be extended and/or retracted prior to every maneuver without load.
