江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    用途 快速巡游, 游览
    船舱数量 1舱
    床位数量 4铺位
    材料 碳纤, 玻璃纤维
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁, 碳纤桅杆
    其他特性 双舵轮, 风帆驱动, 自动矫正, 家庭
    全部长度 11 m (36'01")


塞菲尔 SE 37 休息室. 不符合标准的游艇,而是设定标准的游艇:Saffier SE 37 休息室的标准。 一个独特的概念,毫不妥协。 为什么选择的时候你不必。


A 船,结合了巨大的帆船潜力和易于操作。 一艘船,你将能够控制自己的 — 总是和在所有情况下。 一艘将真正帆船游艇的所有奢华与帆船小艇的感觉相结合的船。 无国界的船:它有一个小屋,但没有真正的 “内部”。 一艘船,不仅是梦幻般的航行,但这也是一个梦幻般的地方在锚或码头。


在控制之中驾驶舱前方的舵手的独特位置是 Saffier Lounge 概念的主要特点之一。 在机舱后面的地狱手有一个自己的驾驶舱。 在这里,他能够监督整个船,并可以访问所有线路修剪和控制帆。 在 Saffier SE 37 休息室航行是孩子们的游戏,但它与这艘船的潜力无关。 上风船将得到船体速度在眨眼。 下风的弓箭使得有可能航行一个巨大的代码 0 或超过 100 平方米的 gennaker. 有了这些帆,Saffier SE 37 休息室将达到远高于船体速度的速度 — 一个耸人听闻的体验!


The Saffier SE 37 Lounge. A yacht that does not meet a standard, but a yacht that sets a standard: the standard of the Saffier SE 37 Lounge. A unique concept without compromise. Why choose when you don’t have to.

Meet the new standard

A boat that combines great sailing potential with ease of handling. A boat you will be able to control on your own – always and in all circumstances. A boat that combines all the luxury of a true sailing yacht with the feeling of sailing a dinghy. A boat without borders: it has a cabin, but there is no real ‘inside’. A boat that is not only fantastic to sail, but that is also a fantastic place to be at anchor or in the marina.

Everything under control

The unique position of the helmsman at the front of the cockpit is one of the key-features in the Saffier Lounge concept. At the back of the cabin the helmsman has a cockpit of his own. Here he is able to oversee the complete boat and has access to all the lines to trim and control the sails. Sailing the Saffier SE 37 Lounge is childs' play, but it has nothing to do with the potential of this boat. Upwind the boat will get to hull speed in the blink of an eye. Downwind the bowsprit makes it possible to sail a huge Code 0 or gennaker of over 100 m². With those sails the Saffier SE 37 Lounge will reach speeds far above its hull speed – a sensational experience!
