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    用途 巡游
    船舱数量 3舱, 2舱
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    其他特性 双舵轮
    全部长度 15.21 m (49'10")
    宽度 4.56 m (14'11")
    吃水深度 2 m (6'06")
    位置 14,500 kg (31,967.03 lb)
    发动机功率 109 ch (109 hp)
    燃料容量 500 l (132 gal)
    淡水容量 640 l (169 gal)


Xc 47标志着全新一代XCruising的开始。这个概念是建立在多年的经验上的,并希望能满足越来越多的寻找真正的蓝水巡洋舰的水手们。

简而言之,Xc 47是一个优雅的高性能巡洋舰,为在大洋上安全、舒适地航行而建造。X-Yachts的设计和工程总监Thomas Mielec说:"我们对设计给予了极大的关注,以使短途航行变得安全和容易"。



今天的大多数航行,甚至是蓝水巡航,都是由一个小船员完成的,通常只有几个船员,开发团队在设计过程的一开始就牢记这一点。一些设计特点和功能以前在其他高级游艇上见过,但在Xc 47上,它们以一种前所未有的时尚感被执行。



The Xc 47 marks the beginning of a completely new generation of XCruising. The concept is built on years of experience and a desire to accommodate the growing number of sailors looking for a true bluewater cruiser.

‘In short, Xc 47 is an elegant high-performance cruiser, built for safe and comfortable sailing on the oceans. Immense focus has been placed on the design to make shorthanded sailing safe and easy’, says Thomas Mielec, director of design & engineering at X-Yachts.

‘Many of our customers share a dream of heading off on a long cruise, often around the world. With this yacht, they will be ready and able to achieve this whenever the opportunity arises.

Shorthanded with ease and style

Most sailing today, even bluewater cruising, is performed with a small crew, with often just a couple of crew members, which the development team has kept in mind right from the outset of the design process. Some of the design features and functions have been seen before on other premium yachts, but on the Xc 47, they are executed with an unprecedented sense of style.

The cockpit layout has been designed to give the helmsman the capability of handling all lines. Four winches – two on each side, are positioned in front of the wheels. All relevant trim lines are led in channels under the deck from the mast to the steering position, with jammers reachable for the helmsman.
