江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
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    用途 巡游
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    全部长度 29'00" (8.84 m)


这艘可爱的船是很多年前在本店建造的。 它在不列颠哥伦比亚省的一个纪录片制作人和他的家人那里过了多年的美好生活。 不幸的是,有一天,当它坐在停泊的浮标上时,有人登船抢劫了她所有的贵重物品,然后淹没了船底,使船沉没。 小偷不知道的是,几乎不可能将德夫林船弄沉。 它被发现时是半沉的,被保释出来并被带到岸上,在那里被清理和重建。 完整的计划从未实现,但是Oysta 30启发了Sam的29英尺Rover设计,所有这四个版本都可以在我们的动力艇研究计划部分找到。 这些都不是摩托艇。 然而,他们共享双端船体和北海拖船的视野。


This lovely boat was built here at the shop many years ago. It found a wonderful life in British Columbia for many years with a documentary film maker and his family. Sadly, one day while it sat at its mooring buoy, someone boarded and robbed all her valuables and then sunk the boat by flooding the bilges. What the thief didn’t know was that it’s almost impossible to sink a Devlin Boat. It was found semi-submerged, bailed out and brought to shore where it was cleaned up and rebuilt. Full plans never materialized, however the Oysta 30 inspired Sam’s 29 foot Rover designs, all four versions of which are available in our powerboat study plans section. These aren’t motorsailors. However, they share the double ended hull and the North Sea Troller vision.
