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    用途 远洋巡游, 快速巡游, 海岸巡游
    船舱数量 2舱
    床位数量 6铺位
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    全部长度 10 m (32'09")
    宽度 3.7 m (12'01")
    吃水深度 1.71 m (5'07")
    位置 4.9 t (5.4 us ton)
    发动机功率 20 ch (20 hp)
    燃料容量 75 l (20 gal)
    淡水容量 200 l (53 gal)


META的设计办公室集中了所有的经验和技术,为大众设计了这艘探险帆船。META 33'是探索海洋的完美选择,可以单人操作,也可以带船员。


META 33'的内饰以其简单性脱颖而出。一切都在它应该在的地方。两张双人床的船舱提供了一个在33'中从未有过的私密性。沙龙非常宽敞,是水上的一道风景线。

META 33'的独特设计被我们船厂独特的技术所加强:50年来致力于建造100%可回收铝的Strongall®甲板船体,以及400多艘经得起时间考验的船只。



船宽 : 3.70 米

吃水 : 1.71 米

最大排水量 : 4.9 吨

舵 : 1

类别 : A

船舱 : 2个双人间

床位数 : 6


发动机 : 20ch

燃油箱 : 75升

水箱 : 200升

建筑师 :META (Brabetz & KOPF)


META’s design office concentrated all its experience and know-how to design this expedition sailing boat for the general public. The META 33’ is perfect for exploring seas and oceans, single handled or with a crew.

The closed cockpit was studied to be ergonomic, practical and safe. The hard top with big windows allows a full visibility on the surrounding environment, along with the protection against bad weather. Access to water is easy thanks to the rear skirt.

The interior of the META 33’ stands out by its simplicity. Everything is exactly where it should be. The two double bed cabins provide an intimacy never equaled in a 33’. The saloon is very spacious and provides a sight on the water.

The unique design of the META 33’ is reinforced by our shipyard’s unique know-how : 50 years dedicated to building Strongall® decked hulls in 100% recyclable aluminum, and more than 400 vessels that proudly withstand the test of time.

Hull length : 10 m

Waterline length : 10 m

Beam width : 3.70 m

Draft : 1.71 m

Maximum displacement : 4.9 t

Rudder(s) : 1

Category : A

Cabin(s) : 2 doubles

Berth(s) : 6

Head(s) : 1

Engine(s) : 20ch

Fuel tank : 75 L

Water tank : 200 L

Architect(s) : META (Brabetz & KOPF)
