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    用途 巡游
    船舱数量 2舱
    床位数量 4铺位
    甲板布局 中央驾驶舱
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    全部长度 9.2 m (30'02")
    宽度 2.9 m (9'06")
    吃水深度 1.25 m (4'01")
    燃料容量 60 l (16 gal)


这艘创新的客舱帆船正好符合POINTER系列的要求;这艘船吸引了运动型水手,就像吸引了那些想在船上舒适过夜的人一样。POINTER 30拥有良好的视线和出色的航行性能。

舒适而多变的POINTER 30拥有简洁的船体线条和经过深思熟虑的宽敞驾驶舱,最多可容纳8人。帆船计划是运动型的,在宽敞的驾驶舱内很容易控制,也完全可以单手航行。POINTER 30配备了高质量的绞盘和甲板设备。可以选择倾斜的方向盘或舵柄,这种设计完全适合现代的当代水手。POINTER 30的标准配置是带有游泳平台的紧密安全的横梁。1.25米的浅吃水(可选1.75米),使大面积的航行成为可能。POINTER 30符合CE B类适航标准。

POINTER 30专注于空间和舒适度。在甲板下,有一个时尚而舒缓的内部空间,有一个创新的带旋转扶手椅的酒吧,以达到最佳的舒适度。POINTER 30有一个封闭的厕所和一个独立的双人舱,床垫长度为2.10米。深思熟虑的设计和高效的布局使其成为一艘多功能的船舱帆船:独特而时尚。

POINTER 30配备了高质量的绞车和甲板设备。所有的绳索和帆都被引向宽敞的驾驶舱。甲板上设计了一个集成的帆板库。在前甲板上有一个带集成锚的船首桅杆和一个可调节的后桅杆。


This innovative cabin sailing yacht fit right in with the POINTER series; the boat that attracts sporty sailors just as much as it does with those looking for an overnight stay aboard in comfort. The POINTER 30 has a good line of sight and outstanding performance under sail.

The comfortable and versatile POINTER 30 has clean hull lines and a well-thought-out spacious cockpit with up to 8 seats. The sail plan is sporty and easy to control from the spacious cockpit and is also fully single-handed to sail. The POINTER 30 is equipped with high quality winches and deck equipment. With the choice of a tilting steering wheel or tiller, this design fully suits the modern contemporary sailor. Standard the POINTER 30 is equipped with a tight, safe transom with a swimming platform. With a shallow draft 1,25 m (optional 1,75 m), a large sailing area is possible. The POINTER 30 complies with CE category B seaworthiness.

The POINTER 30 focuses on space and comfort. Below deck, there is a stylish and soothing interior with an innovative bar with rotating armchairs for optimal comfort. The POINTER 30 has an enclosed toilet room and a separate double cabin with mattress length of 2.10 meters. The well-thought-out design and efficient layout make this a versatile cabin sailing yacht: exclusive and stylish.

The POINTER 30 is equipped with high quality winches and deck equipment. All halyards and sheets are lead aft to the spacious cockpit. An integrated halyard-storage has been designed in the deck. In the foredeck there is a bowsprit with integrated anchor and an adjustable backstay.
