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    用途 巡游
    船舱数量 3舱, 2舱
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    其他特性 双舵轮
    全部长度 11.99 m (39'04")
    宽度 4.3 m (14'01")
    吃水深度 1.7 m, 2.1 m (5'06")
    帆面 101 m² (1,087 ft²)
    发动机功率 40 ch, 57 ch (40 hp)
    燃料容量 210 l (55 gal)
    淡水容量 210 l, 460 l (55 gal)


BAVARIA C42是BAVARIA C系列的逻辑发展,但有自己独特的特点。BAVARIA YACHTS开发的现代、创新的船体形状,以及V形的船头,既保证了最佳的航海性能,又保证了甲板下异常大的空间。

BAVARIA YACHTS以巧妙的细节著称,无论是在甲板上还是在甲板下,都在BAVARIA C42中得到了进一步的完善,为这艘不寻常的12.38米长的帆船提供了游艇制造中最新的创新成果。



BAVARIA CHINES和BAVARIA V形船头。这些引人注目的船体设计特点不仅为BAVARIA C42提供了更多的甲板下空间,而且还提供了不同寻常的良好的航行性能。BAVARIA CHINES确保了更多的稳定性,更长的水线,因此性能更好,转向时感觉更直接。但BAVARIA C42船尾突出的角度还有另一个好处。它为船尾舱提供了更多的空间,提供了更多的舒适。

BAVARIA V型船首在水线处很窄,向甲板处扩大,就像一个V字。它是由意大利的Cossutti游艇设计公司和BAVARIA YACHTS共同开发的,以使船体在前部有更大的体积。尽管船尾很宽,但船头的额外体积确保了在倾斜时更少的调整,即使在膨胀中也能确保更安全的体验。前舱赋予了V形船头新的尺寸。铁龙骨的压载比为2700公斤,总重量仅为9600公斤,可提供足够的扶正动力。


The BAVARIA C42 is the logical progression from the BAVARIA C-line, but has its own distinct character. A modern, innovative hull shape with chines and a V-shaped bow developed by BAVARIA YACHTS guarantee both the best sailing performance and an unusually large amount of space below deck.

The clever details that BAVARIA YACHTS is known for, both above and below deck, has been further refined in the BAVARIA C42, providing this unusual 12.38m long sailing yacht with the best of the newest innovations in yacht building.

More volume and more performance

thanks to chines and V-shaped bow

BAVARIA CHINES and BAVARIA V-shaped bow: These striking hull design characteristics not only give the BAVARIA C42 more space below deck, they also provide unusual good sailing performance. The BAVARIA CHINES ensure more stability, a longer waterline and therefore better performance and a more direct feeling when steering. But the prominent angle at the stern of the BAVARIA C42 has another advantage. It yields more space for the stern cabin, providing more comfort.

The BAVARIA V-shaped bow is narrow at the waterline and broadens towards the deck like a V. It was developed by Cossutti Yacht Design from Italy and BAVARIA YACHTS to grant more volume to the hull in the foreship. The additional volume in the bow ensures less trimming when heeling, despite the broad stern, ensuring a safer experience even in swell. And the forward cabin gives the V-shaped bow new dimensions. An iron keel with a ballast ratio of 2700kg and a total weight of just 9600kg supplies sufficient righting momentum.
