江南官网app 为船舶与海洋工程行业提供技术支持与动力,是船舶行业最大门户分类网站
全国: | 上海:
    用途 巡游
    船舱数量 3舱, 5舱
    帆缆索具 补助帆桁
    其他特性 双舵轮
    全部长度 13.95 m (45'09")
    宽度 4.7 m (15'05")


随着新的BAVARIA C46的推出,BAVARIA YACHTS宣布2023年他们的C-LINE帆船又添新成员。BAVARIA C46在宽敞的空间、出色的航海特性和创新的解决方案的结合上树立了新的标准,因为C-LINE的概念在所有领域都得到了进一步的发展和重新诠释。船体设计的特点是典型的BAVARIA V型船首和下巴,使BAVARIA C46具有令人印象深刻的航行特性,同时也为甲板下的沙龙和船舱创造了更多的光线空间和生活舒适度。关于BAVARIA C46的更多细节将在明年年初的2023年展会上展示。

船体设计的特点是典型的BAVARIA V型船首和下水道,为甲板下的沙龙和船舱创造了更多的光线空间和生活舒适度。客户可以选择不同的布局,从3到5个客舱,包括4个客舱的布局,有4个套房的头,或3个客舱的布局,有一个额外的独立的房间在伴侣道上。

从非常宽敞的驾驶舱、前甲板上的太阳椅或在大型沐浴平台上放松之后,你可以迅速进入水中。水上运动设备可以存放在触手可及的BAVARIA B-BOX中,因此,全体船员可以充分享受在锚地或水中的时光。

无论是与小船员一起轻松安全地航行,还是单人航行,或是与有运动野心的大船员一起巡航--BAVARIA C46提供了所有必要的选择,以获得纯粹的航行乐趣,它有六个可供选择的绞盘位置,在风中有超过100平方米的帆面积,可选择大三角帆和代码0。


With the new BAVARIA C46, BAVARIA YACHTS announce an impressive addition to their C‐LINE sailing yachts for 2023. The BAVARIA C46 sets new standards in the combination of ample room, excellent sailing characteristics and innovative solutions, as the C‐LINE concept has been further developed and re‐interpreted in all areas. The characteristic features of the hull design with the typical BAVARIA V‐bow and chines give the BAVARIA C46 impressive sailing characteristics, while also creating more light space and living comfort below deck in the salon, as well as the cabins. Further details about the BAVARIA C46 will be presented early next year at boot 2023.

The characteristic features of the hull design with the typical BAVARIA V-bow and chines create more light space and living comfort below deck in the salon, as well as the cabins. Customers can choose from various layouts ranging from 3 to 5 cabins, including a 4-cabin layout with 4 in-suite heads or a 3-cabin layout with an additional separate room at the companionway.

From the very spacious cockpit, the sun loungers on the foredeck or after a relaxing time on the large bathing platform, you can quickly get into the water. Water sports equipment can be stored within reach in the BAVARIA B-BOX, so that the hours at anchor or in the water can be thoroughly enjoyed by the entire crew.

Whether relaxed and safe sailing with a small crew, single- handed sailing or cruising with a large crew with sporting ambitions - the BAVARIA C46 offers ail the necessary options for pure sailing pleasure with six optional winch positions, well over 100 square meters of sail area on the wind and optional Gennaker and Code 0.
