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Marine incinerator

Solid material, usuallyin sacks, is burnt by an automatic cycle of operation. Liquid waste is storedin a tank, heated and then pumped to the sludge burner where it is burnt in anautomatic cycle. After use the ash box can be emptied overboard.

Procedure for ships waste via Marine incinerator

Shipboard generatedwastes can only be disposed of legally by the following two methods C1.Disposal by onboard Incineration

2.Disposal to a shore based facility

The availability and cost of disposal to shore based facilitiesand the trading constraints such as time in port, access at tanker terminalsand other restrictions have made option “b” less attractive. Oil and sewagesludge incineration may take place in main or auxiliary power plants orboilers, but not whilst in ports or enclosed water.

Waste incinerationonboard sea going ships is regulated by IMO MARPOL 73/78 Resolution MEPC.176(58),adopted 10 October 2008 and IMO MARPOL Annex VI, Chapter III Regulation 16 andAppendix IV C Requirements for Control of Emissions from Ships C ShipboardIncineration. All new Incinerators installed onboard a ship on or after 1stJanuary 2000 require compliance with the above regulations and shall have IMOType Approved Certificate.

It is prohibited toincinerate: • Residues of cargoessubject MARPOL Annex I, II, III

• Polychlorinatedbiphenyls (PCB)

• Garbage containingheavy metals, defined in Annex V

• Refined petroleumproducts containing halogens

• Sewage sludge andsludge oil either of which are not generated onboard the ship

• Exhaust gas cleaning systemresidues.

Polyvinyl chlorides (PVCs) can only be incinerated in IMO typeapproved incinerators. In accordance with the Helsinki Convention, all shipsare prohibited to use their incinerators whilst in the Baltic Sea area. SeeAttached “Clean Seas Guide Baltic States” for an overview of the regulationsgoverning this area.

The following conditionsmust also be met: • Personnel responsiblefor operation of any incinerator shall be trained.

• Manufacturer’s manualfor the incinerator shall be available onboard.

• Minimum flue gastemperature is 850 degrees Centigrade.

• The unit shall reach600 degrees Centigrade within 5 minutes after start up.

• Monitoring of flue gasoutlet temperature required.

Incinerators without IMO type approval Certificate or installedbefore 1st January 2000 can still be used for burning SLUDGE OIL and solidwaste provided this does not contain any plastic or synthetic materials. Inaddition to the above, the following criteria must be established. •Quantify and designate Sludge preparation tanksfor ships using heavy fuels: 2% of daily consumption.

• Quantify Incineratoruse: 1% of the bunker consumption plus 2-3 hours for solid waste incineration.

• Owners must decide onthe number of hours per day that the Incinerator should be allowed to work.Generally 8-12 hours per day.

• Consideration shouldbe made for ships trading in ECA areas (e.g. Baltic Sea) where incineration isnot allowed. Put up suitable notices.

• Please confirm thatyour vessel has a manual for the Incinerator.

• The Operator must betrained in the use of the Incinerator by the Chief Engineer and records of thistraining must be maintained.

Please keep this information accessible for the daily use of thestaff who are assigned to operate the incinerator

